Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Back to the drawing board...

After creating a quick mock up of my previouse idea using cave painting imagery, I decided that I wasnt happy with it and didnt want to waste any more time on the idea so decided to start over (but still consider previouse ideas)

I still want to use my main idea of relating africa with football.

Ideas continued:

- Every time the ball is kicked throughout the video it causes a spray of ink.
Could change colour using the event colours.

- A motion Graphics piece that slowly builds an image of the world.

- Ball Flying through scenes of Africa leaving a trail. Animate within trail.

- Following the ball, have it being passed to each other using both players and animals.

- Use relevant shape (hexagon/pemtigon) in a graphic style throughout the sequence.

- Collision of two worlds. (Africa - Football)

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