Sunday, March 18, 2007

Logo Ideas

The following ideas came from looking at the South African nation flag.

Idea One:

Considering that six colours are used in the South African flag and the fact that this is a worldwide event, I could relate these colours to the continets of the world. Although the 7-continent model is usually taught in most parts of the world, there are several ways of distinguishing the continents.

Six Colours - Six continents.
(Antarctica, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia)
The 6-continent is taught in Latin America, the Iberian Peninsula, Italy, Iran and some other parts of Europe.

Five colours (excluding white) - Five continents.
(America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia)

The 5-continent model is taught in the Iberian Peninsula, some other parts of Europe, and many Latin American countries.

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